galaxy express 999 the signature
作成:1998.06.25 更新:----.--.--
♪「Taking off!」 ♪
As it comes and goes is when the steam whistle blows...
The sound of new tomorrows
Ticket in your pocket more dear than they know...
The dreams you won't let go
No need to cling to old, tired hopes...
I'm goin' somewhere better
Somewhere out far, where we'll roam the stars...
C'mon, you know it's out there !
I'm leaving, I'm flying...
I'm taking off to the unknown
It's up to me, and me alone...
To make those stars my own
Taking off ! Taking off !
Toward a day where only you can find the way
Youth is like a light that burns bright in the night
Don't lose the goal in your sights
In brilliant darkness is where you must fight...
For the freedom that's your birthright
Keep on believing, like I do...
That something's waiting, just for you
Somewhere, out there in my galaxy home...
Where the stars cease to be
I'm leaving, I'm flying...
I'm taking off to the unknown
Yesterday's gone, but we're here somehow...
Don't you look back now
Taking off ! Taking off !
Toward a day where only you can find the way
Taking off ! Taking off !
♪「やさしくしないで」 ♪
What do you want from me ? do you yourself even know ?
Is it me ? or love more refined ?
Up above, resting birds, uneasy even so...
Even if you don't see me, they know I'm here, at least
So what if I'm like a child whose toybox...
Has broken, and lost its key ?
Should I sigh ? Should I cry ?
What's the point ? Tell me why
No good will com, even so.
What do you want from me ? do you yourself even know ?
Is it me ? or love more refined ?
I can't bear your kind words, not with this tired heart...
Better that you're cruel to me than I should fall apart
So what if I long for things that can't be ?
Those old tales never come true
Tales I hear, tales I fear, tales that I...
May hold dear
No good will come, even so.
999)」 ♪
So now the time has come
To look ahead and find your way...
A time to seek a fresh breeze
Some windy balm for your soul
Which means it's also time
To put to bed those tired dreams...
Time for new things to be starting
Time for the drama to star me
I know a certain someone
Keeps your thoughts tight in their hold...
But even when you're far away
They'll still be with you
The Galaxy Express Three-Nine
Will take you on a journey, a neverending journey...
A journey to the stars !
So now the time has come
To see these things as they really are...
A time to leave the seas you know
Sailing for fortune and glory
A time that also means
The horizon's not far as you thought...
Time to cast off childish things
Time to know just what a man is
I know a certain someone
Would be pleased to see now you've grown...
'Cause when you love someone, you...
Know when to let go
The Galaxy Express Three-Nine
Will take you on a journey, a neverending journey...
A the stars !

in English」へ